Thursday, June 22, 2017

about japan

about japan

Honoka @ puppokupu
I thought that I would not do, because I do not know what wishes, prayers, thoughts, etc. will cause, but can I dream of children's health and smile? Separately, blood does not have to be connected. Even foreigners can have no problem. Can Homo sapiens survive?
May 25, 2017 14:17

Well, I have said it many times, but I have not been harassed by foreign people so much. If such my charisma goes up, it will have some influence overseas though .... Stop involving people abroad.Depending on the scale of harassment and the degree of despair, occasionally leaking, but at the beginning there were many small god counter ranges, and many influences were very small. There were many thunderbolt fires and fuse fire in the Great devil empire. It is the Great Devil Empire that involves the girl club in Fukushima on the business trip and people outside the company, increasing their scale and collecting my charisma. Is the influence of so-called Zashiki Warashi too small?

If the scale becomes smaller and the charisma goes down, the influence will also weaken. From the beginning, sticky mad people made noises, increasing in scale, and further collecting sticky mad people.

Earthquakes, disasters and plagues can happen anywhere, anytime. Because UFO technology was abused many times, the reactions were very large.

The population of the world is increasing. It is about mini ice age, it does not extinct humanity.If human corruption advances, the misfortune incidence rate of society rises, only self-destruction.

Kamikaze is supposed to blow to anyone.
Everyone has some causal responses. Just because the person himself did not notice.

I do not complain so much unless you harass that people ring their throat, stepping in with so loud sounds, beating on a computer keyboard, stepping in from the ceiling, etc. People promoting nuclear power plants are also looked with warm eyes.

I have not oppressed anything in particular.Syncs who complained about me in my shade were specified by me, though I heard about them from Uto. Mr. Yamaga was also not oppressed at first. As his harassment was so bad, I resisted him.  I do not want another growth. Humans are free. It is free to destroy or flourish.

The more you harass, the worse it will get.

What is wrong with my freely acting in my room ? What is wrong with my writing on my blog ? I am only writing on my blog. What is wrong with my freely thinking in my head ? What is wrong with my freely living my life as I like ?

・Barbarian primitive monkeys, the Japanese are truly crazy. The monkeys do not have even delicacy as fine as dust. The monkeys are just creatures which steal and watch a person's diary and report happily to the principal. (They often told me that my penis is small, or told me that I should like the holes in the ass.) They think that the harassments to me are okay, which they care for themselves. The Japanese are barbarian primitive. The monkeys have no human emotions such as moral, shamefulness or guilt.

Who would like to bother to have painful or bad feelings?

People who always harass me and attack me are mostly avoided by me, are not they? Just a minimum concern for work. To avoid or to say that it is not tasty, harassment whip storms will fly to me. They said, "Various persons could exist. All criminals are no longer arrested."

I am not God, am not a super computer, am not a matter, am a living human being with wills. I have some advantages and some disadvantages. I have likes and dislikes

"Various persons could exist. All criminals are no longer arrested."
・Prime Minister Abe friend Rape Criminal Mr. Yamaguchi
JR derailment accident (106dead) Not guilty
Fukushima nuclear power plant accident.  A trial starts 6 years after the accident. Until then the accused lived a luxurious life abroad.
Politician's bribe Mr. Amari

In Japan, the elderly who caused an assault incident increase about 50 times than twenty years ago, and the number of injuries has also increased about 9 times.
(ex. Because the old man missed the last train, he asked the station staff for a taxi fare.)

monster parents
The delinquent amount of lunch fee of children in Osaka city is 1.3% of the total. (It is said that everyone does not pay lunch fee on TV).
・They asked teachers to pay for the lunch box for the athletic meet which was canceled due to rain.
・They asked teachers to rewrite the child's grade chart.
・They asked teachers to redo the school trip.)

Monster claimer episode collection
・A man who bought tea in the summer, "You should replace my tea because it is not cold". Although he was drinking more than half ... (25 years old / female)
・When I was biting in a pub, ordered sake was out of stock. Then I was told by the customer "You should bring different sake for free" (27 years old / male)
・I was told by the customer that "I do not like the face." I apologize (32 years old / female)
・"I saw a young couple who bought a two-folded foldable cell phone in a mobile shop and he was angry that the phone got two in nature."
・"There was a claimer who forced a smile on a girl clerk who was busy in a fast food shop"
・"There was a person shouting at the house next door," You are always dancing belly dancing and harassing! "
・"I have been told from a customer of a shop where I worked before," I am afraid that the amount of 444 yen is bad luck, so make it a bit cheaper "
・When I went to a household electrical appliance store, there was a senior male who was troubled to replace the rice cooker because the cooked rice was bad, so that the elder had a rice cooker of a high grade model, and said "Replace it" and the clerk was annoyed
・"It is your fault that this cosmetic product did not work!" A middle-aged woman was attaching a complaint to a beautician.
・When I was working in a fast food shop, the customer ordered a new hamburger product, but I've been shouted "You did not explain how to eat!".
・The umbrella bought five years ago broke so I was told to replace it. When I refused, "A clerk in a department store replace it !", she threw the umbrella and came home. "
The buckwheat shop across the street is closed but why?
・"Too much green onion! Exchange it! "
・After completing the meal, "Please refund it because the moist cake in this ramen is bad feeling"
Please make sure to have a receipt even at vending machines.
・There was a middle-aged man who was rampant while saying, "All clerks did not come and greet to me", at convenience stores.
・The hot water in the shower is hot! I guess I was about to burn! !
I forgot my teeth at my seat. I searched but it was not there. "Compensate."

noisy minority in Japan
Once in a while, there was a convenience store in front of our company
Neighborhoods "Your employees shop a lot and get in the way of our shopping! Prohibit use!"
Company "Okay, my employees are prohibited from using convenience stores"
Convenience stores "Because the management of my shop has deteriorated, I will close it."
Neighborhoods "We are in trouble because convenience stores are gone"

There was a bus route in the place where I used to live,
Neighborhoods "The bus engine sound is noisy! Reduce!"
Bus company "I understand, I will reduce the number of trips"
Bus company  "We are abolishing this bus route because we did not earn money."
Neighborhoods  "Bus route is gone and we are inconvenienced"

In one city hall,
Citizen "It is not good for civil servants to eat lunch at ease at lunch break at neighboring cafeteria!"
City Hall "I understand, I will shorten our lunch break."
As a result, the surrounding dining halls and restaurants are all collapsed and customers are not in the shopping district

There is no consciousness that the Japanese are helping each other.

In Japan it is popular for local residents to claim fireman's boss that the firemen ate udon at a shop for lunch.
In Japan it is popular for local residents to claim postman's boss that the postman drank water a bit while delivering.

We conducted a questionnaire on bullying in Japan.(Fiscal Year 2016)

The target is 23,318 elementary school students, junior high school students 11,444 people, high school students 713 people.

Elementary school students who answered "I think" to the question "There are bad things in bullied people" are 29.1% of the total. "I do not think" 34.1%, "I do not know" 36.8%.

In junior high school students, the question "There are bad things in bullied people" is 35.5% "I think", 18% of "I do not think" is a minority. "I do not know" was 46.5%.

Annual bullying recognition 220 thousand, The largest ever.(Fiscal Year 2015)
Students who are absent for more than 30 days a year are about 27,000 primary school students. The largest ever. Junior high school students also increased to about 98,000.
The number of cases of violent acts jumped to about 17,000 in elementary school students, and increaseed 1.5 times than the previous year.
Although the number of children is decreasing as compared with the past because of the declining birthrate.

staion 1

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As you can see, the Japanese mad people are sticky. I can not talk with. (Japanese Mr. Yamaga-nise phenomenon). Everything is due to the Great Devil Empire's "Various people can exist". "A country where criminals are not arrested, Medieval Japland Empire."

Hidden Truth: It's not 30 thousand people! There are 180,000 true suicide people in Japan! What?
Atmosphere that does not qualify as suicide if there is no will.
?? erection cherry ?? @ bokkicherry
The Japanese are not "yellow race" which is commonly said.
Yellow race (Yellow) is a word that refers to Koreans and Chinese,
Japanese people are rather considered monkey fellows in Europe and the United States.
May 9th, 2017 11: 08

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