Saturday, August 19, 2017

Historical background between me and the Great Devil Empire

The beginning of fatal conflict
(A delusion?) At first the Great Devil Empire made me break up with Miss. Tomoyo by human body manupilation, Who I want to marry with. (They wanted to get my marriage partner from the Great Devil Empire). The Great Devil Empire which desired me by all means made my mother suddenly psychotic and disturbed my job hunting. For the Medieval Japland Empire, any company would have been okay as long as I chose one of chemical companies. Because the students' employment deviation values of Zaibatsu chemical comapanies are highly appreciated, compared with the Great Devil Empire, my joining one of Zaibatsu chemical companies is more likely to benefit for Japan. Everything is for the Great Devil Empire's desires. 
And before I joined the company, harassment of my deeply drunk at the drinking party of the syncs candidates began.

Historical background between me and the Great Devil Empire
2003 my factory tour of the Great Devil Empire

2003 I sent e-mails of thanks for factoru tour, but Ironic reply came back.

2003 An enthusiastic appeal to me of the Great Devil Empire by human body manipulation.

2003 (A delusion?) At first the Great Devil Empire made me break up with Miss. Tomoyo by human body manupilation, Who I want to marry with. (They wanted to get my marriage partner from the Great Devil Empire).

2003 I apply for the Great Devil Empire with a free frame.

2003 My mother collapsed with diabetes.

2004 At the job interview, I told three lies. The Great Devil Empire was angry as to why I did not apply for a recommendation frame
I have not applied for anything other than the Great Devil Empire.
(I explained that I was applying for the Great Devil Empire on the other company.)
I did not know that I can apply for the recommendation frame.

2004 I accepted a bribe from the Great Devil Empire.

2004 Miss. Nakamura, my girlfriend became insomnia with depression due to noisy hell.

2004 My mother suddenly became psychotic.
         She could not eat meals, went out naked.
         I could not go for job hunting.

2004 Kubozuka Yosuke jumps off the 9th floor. Skull fracture.

2004 Typhoon and heavy rain disaster were intense (220 dead)

2004 I associated with Miss. Ozeki.

2004 Demekin Love Hotel incident.

2004 My really terrible candidate's fellow social gathering by human body manipulation. The worst first impression for me.

2004 I apologize to the synchronizers①

2004 Niigata Chuetsu Earthquake.

2004 I destroyed graduate school senior's drinking party. I would not be invited to drinking party after that.

2004 A clerk got angry for me when I and my girlfriend's Miss. Hiroko went to a love hotel.

2005 Cheating with Miss. Hiroko got into Ozeki, a big trouble occured

2005 I joined the Great Devil Empire.

2005 I singled out of sync because of that absurdity.

2005 I apologize to the synchronizers②

2005 (human body manipulation?) During the factory practice period, somehow I got drunk with a little alcohol. I was made fool of by everyone.

2005 On my mixi's diary which only Miss. Ozeki and Mr. Ticky could see, I wrote about the Great Devil Empire as "a low level company of strong tuning pressure".

2005 I asked a person in the personnel department to hold a drinking party which I was asked from my friend, and I got a good reply, but it would not be opened.

2005 (human body manipulation?) At factory practice end drinking party, I apologized to everyone with "Dogeza" for some reason. What?

2005 (human body manipulation?) On the first day of assignment, I think that the woman who guided me was as a mistress, mistress somehow. That woman hated me. She also spreads to everyone in the department that I was not good.

2005 (human body manipulation?) When I went to work every morning, I stared at Mrs. Hiroshima. I wanted to quit staring. but I can not quit.

2005 A junior high school friend came to see me. For some reason I wanted to jump into the dub and injured my feet as sewing feet.

2005 Pro-wrestling Shinya Hashimoto dies of brainstem bleeding.

2005 I became friends with Mr.Tatsuya and his companions.

2005 My girlfriend,Miss. Ozeki was troubled by the noisy hell on the apartment.

2005 (human body manipulation?) In my boss's favorite lounge, I got drunk and lost my memory. It seemed that somehow I heard a contact from a girl, and somehow threw wet handtowels to a girl. 

2006 I confessed to Miss. Fujiwara.(Cute)
At the beginning, I was doing well, I also kissed her, but I made her angry with human body manipulation.

2006 Miss. Hitomi invited me to eat her birthday cake together.

2006 Mr. Yamaga said marriage and marriage noisily. He talked directly to the section chief that he could not get married because he had many overtime works.

2006 I had a quarrel with Mr. Tatsuya. Envy of Kyoto University students (Angry)
(He said "It was good", when Miss. Oba (not cute) said that she want to associate with me".)

2006 After a while, I associated with Ozeki again.

2006 I went drinking with Miss. Oba (not cute) at the end of the technical training as the cheers for good work party. 

2006 In the Great Devil Empire, lightning fire.

2006 I get scolded by my university teacher. "You had better get married early."

2006 At the recreation competition, I got drunk and sexually harassed to Miss. Hitomi.

2006 I Invited Miss. Hitomi (Cute) to date. She told me that she had a boy friend.

2006 I invite Miss. Hitomi to drink with me. She told after being pleased that she was thinking. (Her thought changed due to Mr.Yamagi's radio wave).

2006 Mr. Katsuta made an appeal to the labor department, Mr. Kamata made a change notice and they transfered instantaneously. Miss. Kono (cute) got separated from my boyfriend, so she quit the company and went away. Mr. Ido, section manager, became a stomach ulcer.

2006 My shoes were hidden several times in the dormitory.

2006 Miss. Oba invited me to drink. I replied that we would go drinking with Mr. Fujiwara.

2007 Miss. Hikita told Mrs. Okutani, my subordinate, to associate with me.

2007 Mrs. Okutani, my subordinate, quits the company from being bullied.

2007 Miss. Hitomi left the dormitory and started living alone. I doubted that she lived with her boyfriend.

2007 I invited Miss. Hitomi to drink with me. She told me that she was busy.

2007 Cristmas, (Human body manipulation?) I confessed to Miss. Hitomi. Miss. Hitomi fuss occurred. I Finished the relationship with Miss. Ozeki. Although I was on the way, I could not sleep, I got depressed.

2008 Being bullied began in the dormitory and the company.

2008 Miss. Hitomi quit the company.

This is parts of the reply to the e-mail that I apologized to the persons who suffered from troubles after annoyance due to my drunk at the candidates gathering party. At the time of new employee training, I again apologized to the persons who suffered from troubles. On the spot, victims said to me "Do not mind". However, the Great Devil Empire condemned my apology as not having heart.  Even after that, my boss's Akihiko always said to me, "You do not feel like apologizing, and do not apologize".  Even when I broke the device, I apologized to Mr. Tanno, but he said "Yor are not apologizing", to make a big uproar. Although I have greeted, Mr. Takagi said "He have not greeted", to make a big uproar.
Even at Miss. Hitomi's fuss, I was forced to apologize to girlfriends, a friend of the college days, Miss. Sogabe and manager of the part-time-shop's chief, Mr. Tsukasaki.
I always apologize sincerely

Accommodation room of new recruitment training

Events before I wrote about the Great Devil Empire as "a low level company of strong tuning pressure" on my mixi's diary which only Miss. Ozeki and Mr. Ticky could see.
*My abomination of the drinking party was exposed on the candidate's bulletin board.
Whichever synchronization I talk to, "Are you that drunk man?"  ex. Mr. Yagashita in the same room, Mr. Matsumoto in marketing etc).
Even if I asked him to lend TOEIC's dictionary, He said "You are such a different character" (Mr. Kanemori).
*When Mr. Matsumoto of synchronization said, "I am happy that I can work with such excellent people like you ...", they said "You think so about us. Do you think (anger)?" to pressure to Mr. Matsumoto.At a group meeting, the story did not get together, so if I try to write a blackboard, he picked it up from me (Mr. Uno).
In the new employee training, everyone went on a trip to hot springs and amusement parks happily, I went to contract AIR Edge to pull a PC on the internet. (Mr. Konishi played with me only one day).
Even though such time has not yet passed since we met, there were many disgusting people who appealed "She treats it carefully" and "We are close friends".
*Before the completion of the freshman training, there were opinions about me as "good people" though ...

Perhaps, as a result of this remark, I wrote on my mixi's diary. I do not doubt that I was disgusted with the intensity of the synchronization pressure of the synchronized Mr. Miyamoto during factory training, but ....
If I made materials for publication, Mr. Miyamoto complained to me "Everyone said you are truly a Kyoto college student. Being compared with me, and I'm in trouble".

I do not know the cause of the fuss.
I wrote in the private e-mail sent to Miss. Hitomi that "You are surrounded by bad people". (celler phone; only Miss. Hitomi can watch)
When I first joined the company, I wrote the Great Devil Empire as a low-level company in a private blog. (Only my friends can see that blog.)

Mr. Ido section manager said to me that I would repeat the same, I did not have learning ability.

Numerous false charges
・a lie that " I have no girlfriends" → I was going to break up with Miss. Ozeki many times. Miss. Ozeki knew that she was loved as the second. When I confessed to Miss. Hitomi, I talked to Miss. Hitomi about that honestly.
・my secret child → with Miss. Hiroko; false. All the men in the department shouted "shit" suddenly. with Inoue; a miscarriage. The fortune telling told me that the son was not my child.  
・I liked Mrs. Tanabe → Because her harassment was bad, so I dislike her.
・I liked Miss. Matsumoto  →  I dislike her voices.
・I went to Soap land many times → three times. With a relationship at work.
・I let Miss. Hitomi like me  → Miss. Hitomi invited me to date at first.
Academic discrimination → I was good friends with the shift time workers.
Rich man → My parents have no car.
・My attitude is cheeky  → I have cried a lot in front of my boss. Sometimes bullying has made me shed tears at the office. Mr. Hirano made a fool of me.
・I singled out of sync  → I went drinking many times with Mr. Miyamoto and his companions who were together at the factory training.
To make me have a lion heart  → In my school days, I worked a lot of bytes in service industry.
・I educate employees of the Great Devil Empire  → Please live without permission and die without permission. Please do not concern me.
Once the image solidifies, it keeps the image as it is → I work well with fighting persons, Mr. Tanno, Mr. Takagi, Mr. Takagi. Even people and things that I thought might be bad after trying it once, it is also common to try once again and change to be a good one. Il Giottone, Dumerni, Hatsuta's Yakiniku Bento, Uniqlo Pants, Mr. Noro, Mr.Donoo, Mr. Sasaki, Mr. Shigeta, Mr. Takagi. I also gave a part of funeral expenses for Mr. Yokoyama who fought against me.

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