Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Recently, Japanese pop music is not energetic ?

Recently, such an article has appeared.

ORANGE RANGE, signs of revaluation.

Bulletin boards are frequently discussed, but if I think about it well, before the confession to Miss. Hitomi, Japanese pop music bands that everyone know, including Orange Range, greeeen, いきものがかり, and レミオロメン, appear, one after another, It was well prosperous

After confession to Miss. Hitomi (2004 My really terrible candidate's fellow social gathering by human body manupilation. The worst first impression for me. My mother suffers from a brain tumor / 2007 Christmas confession / 2008 Christmas I would have been able to associate with Miss. Hitomi, Mr. IDo chief got in the way of me and my secret son fuss outbroke), I feel j-pop is not energetic.
(Drama, games, movies and manga seems to have such a tendency somewhat.)

Nature points out the stall of Japanese scientific research

Japanese science research stall, paper 6% reduction ... over the past decade
Among the major countries such as Europe and the United States, the number of papers has decreased, only in Japan, it became clear again that the science and technology research in Japan was stalling.
Drama highest viewer rating ranking      Stalled from 2009
(By the way, the release of iphone 4 is 2010, the release of iphone 4s is 2011).

(年代流行より http://nendai-ryuukou.com/ )

Variety annual viewer rating ranking     Stalled from 2009

(2ch調べ/日経エンタメBP http://toro.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/geinin/1380385830/)


Game sales number ranking     Stalled from 2011
(It takes time to develop the game and there will be a time lag of about 2 years)

 (game compasssより http://gcompass.sp.land.to/rank/

CD Album Sales Ranking    Stalled from 2009


Sales of books (from Oricon)
Only 4 books
2009 『もし高校野球の女子マネージャーがドラッカーの「マネジメント」を読んだら』 275万部
2010 『謎解きはディナーのあとで』 183万部
2010 『体脂肪計タニタの社員食堂 500kcalのまんぷく定食』  210万部、
2015   『火花』 223万部くらい。

List of one performers
2002年 三瓶 『三瓶です』
2003年 ダンディ板野 『ゲッツ』
2003年 テツandトモ 『なんでだろう』
2004年 波田陽区 『○○斬り。残念』
2004年 ヒロシ 『ヒロシです』
2005年 レーザーラモンHG 『フォー』
2006年 長州小力 『キレテナイですよ』
2007年 小島よしお 『そんなの関係ねぇ』
2007年 いつもここから 『悲しいとき~』
2008年 エド・はるみ 『グ~』
2008年 世界のなべあつ 『3』
2008年 髭男爵 『ルネッサンス』
pre 2008年 12 persons for 7 years

2011年 楽しんご 『LOVE注入』
2012年 スギちゃん 『ワイルドだろぉ』
2014年 日本エレキテル連合 『ダメよ、ダメダメ』
2015年 くまむし 『あったかいんだから』
2015年 とにかく明るい安村 『安心してください、履いてますから』
2016年 ピコ太郎 『ペンパイナッポー アッポーペン』
2017年 ブルゾンちえみ
after 2009年  7 persons for 9 years

Japanese has become crazy. .

The Japanese changed many Japanese prime ministers with minute mistakes. Monster Claimer, Monster Parents appeared. For the slogan that the Great Devil Empire disseminated, that various people could exist. Law, trust and courtesy were lost. In Japan, criminals are no longer arrested. (Like Prime Minister Abe's friends rape criminals)

In the Great Devil Empire, if you just cut a finger a bit with a ceramic knife, you have to report the company manager. When having a flask, you must wear rubber gloves on inner gloves that have no workability. They will drop the opponent with anything minute.

P.S. As I said it many times, I have never prayed for the unhappiness of all around Japan.

P.S. Disk sales of animes and movie box office revenues have not changed much since 10 years ago. The smartphone game market is growing.

 Anime disc sales

Movie box office income

The smartphone game market

(In 2011 the smartphone games were about this market size).

In Japan, the elderly who caused an assault incident increase about 50 times than twenty years ago, and the number of injuries has also increased about 9 times.
(ex. Because the old man missed the last train, he asked the station staff for a taxi fare.)

monster parents
The delinquent amount of lunch fee of children in Osaka city is 1.3% of the total. (It is said that everyone does not pay lunch fee on TV).
・They asked teachers to pay for the lunch box for the athletic meet which was canceled due to rain.
・They asked teachers to rewrite the child's grade chart.
・They asked teachers to redo the school trip.)

Monster claimer episode collection
・A man who bought tea in the summer, "You should replace my tea because it is not cold". Although he was drinking more than half ... (25 years old / female)
・When I was biting in a pub, ordered sake was out of stock. Then I was told by the customer "You should bring different sake for free" (27 years old / male)
・I was told by the customer that "I do not like the face." I apologize (32 years old / female)
・"I saw a young couple who bought a two-folded foldable cell phone in a mobile shop and he was angry that the phone got two in nature."
・"There was a claimer who forced a smile on a girl clerk who was busy in a fast food shop"
・"There was a person shouting at the house next door," You are always dancing belly dancing and harassing! "
・"I have been told from a customer of a shop where I worked before," I am afraid that the amount of 444 yen is bad luck, so make it a bit cheaper "
・When I went to a household electrical appliance store, there was a senior male who was troubled to replace the rice cooker because the cooked rice was bad, so that the elder had a rice cooker of a high grade model, and said "Replace it" and the clerk was annoyed
・"It is your fault that this cosmetic product did not work!" A middle-aged woman was attaching a complaint to a beautician
・When I was working in a fast food shop, the customer ordered a new hamburger product, but I've been shouted "You did not explain how to eat!".
・The umbrella bought five years ago broke so I was told to replace it. When I refused, "A clerk  in a department store replace it !", she threw the umbrella and came home. "
The buckwheat shop across the street is closed but why?
・"Too much green onion! Exchange it! "
・After completing the meal, "Please refund it because the moist cake in this ramen is bad feeling"
Please make sure to have a receipt even at vending machines.
・There was a middle-aged man who was rampant while saying, "All clerks did not come and greet to me", at convenience stores.
・The hot water in the shower is hot! I guess I was about to burn! !
I forgot my teeth at my seat. I searched but it was not there. Compensate.

We conducted a questionnaire on bullying in Japan.(Fiscal Year 2016)

The target is 23,318 elementary school students, junior high school students 11,444 people, high school students 713 people.

Elementary school students who answered "I think" to the question "There are bad things in bullied people" are 29.1% of the total. "I do not think" 34.1%, "I do not know" 36.8%.

In junior high school students, the question "There are bad things in bullied people" is 35.5% "I think", 18% of "I do not think" is a minority. "I do not know" was 46.5%.

Annual bullying recognition 220 thousand, The largest ever.(Fiscal Year 2015)
Students who are absent for more than 30 days a year are about 27,000 primary school students. The largest ever. Junior high school students also increased to about 98,000.
The number of cases of violent acts jumped to about 17,000 in elementary school students, and increaseed 1.5 times than the previous year.
Although the number of children is decreasing as compared with the past because of the declining birthrate.

Hidden Truth: It's not 30 thousand people! There are 180,000 true suicide people in Japan! What?
Atmosphere that does not qualify as suicide if there is no will.

For recent years, Japan educates children by historical texts in which Japan does not recognize World War II as an invasion war and praises it as People's Liberation.  6.3% students of the total use these texts. 75000 students each year.

monster claimer
Japanese everyday landscape
Convenience store 1 (like Tatsuya)

Convenience store chicken 2
Mcdnald 1
staion 1

・2004 my terrible candidate's fellow social gathering by human body manipulation
I was deeply drunk at the social gathering by human body manipulation
I was disliked from synchronizations for my abomination.
I was complained in the shade.
I went drinking many times with Mr. Miyamoto and his companions who were together at the factory training. I have been bullied for a long time due to false charges

・my secret son fuss
It began that I muttered that I was responsible for the old girlfriend. They became unable to withdraw, they boldly attacked my women's problem. I had had a sex paying money. That woman, Miss. Inoue, had a miscarriage. The fortune telling told me that the son was not my child. I have been bullied for a long time due to false charges.

I lent a technical book to Mr. Yamaga, I disliked, and I also presented fireworks every year to Mr.Takuya, who fought against me. I work with my fellow colleagues who fought against me (Mr. Tanno, Mr. Takagi, Mr. Takagi). My taste changes by heart at that time.

I am going out for personal drinking of my boss. More than 10 times. Even when my boss failed the big project, we soloed ourselves and drank together.
I go with my subordinates. More than 6 times. I treated them a couple of times. We went to factory tours, went to the hotel's alcoholic entertainment.
After work, I went to eat ramen with shift time workers. More than 10 times. On holidays I played baseball with shift time workers.
I drank alcohol with other departments people after the recreation competition and went to the invitation of  seniors who took care of us at the factory training.

They made me associate with girls I was not interested in.(Miss. Tanabe, Miss Matsumoto...and so on)
They beat the computer keyboard with loud noises.
In the dormitory, the apartment, they made loud noises from a wall and a ceiling as the dormitory or the apartment shook. (Dormitory repair costs 400,000 yen was charged for me)
They step in with my eyes and behind unexpectedly.
(Like this; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OwfN9AwOIlo)
They closed the doors of the cars as the apartment shook.
They rang their throat "Uh"
They suddenly changed and complained.
They crossed their feet.
Everyday, tens of times and over 10 years

・It is said that I patronize women.
Because women did not harass me so much in Japan.
I was also friends with fat or not cute women.
(Mrs. Watanabe, Mrs. Izumi, Miss. Mawatari, Miss Nasu and so on) 


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