Monday, August 14, 2017

My mother's elbow broken tone

7月12日 My mother fell down on her bicycle and broke her elbow.
(On Twitter, "We did it" ranked in all the time)。
7月22日 My mother underwent surgery and wired it in her elbow. Bones are brittle, fixation of bolts is subtle.
7月23日 Akita heavy rain (0 dead).
8月04日 Typhoon No.5 (2 dead)
8月10日 My mother's Gibbs is off and rehabilitation began.
8月13日 My mother can not hold chopsticks and can not eat meal. She is eating rolled sushi etc. with her left hand.

I think that my mother is poor. I hope the rehabilitation will go well ....

My mother's sickness
2003年Winter.  My mother fell on diabetes.
2004年Spring.   My mother got psychotic. She walked out naked and can not eat meal. (My job hunting time). She had been bedridden for many years.
2004年Summer, Autumn.  The heavy typhoon brawling (220 dead). The Great Niigata earthquake (68 dead).
2010年 She knew she was a brain tumor and underwent a brain tumor surgery

Even after brain tumor surgery, often with mental illness, my mother collapses. She repeats bedridden life many times. .Everything is due to human body manipulation by the Great Devil Empire

By the Japan Empire and the Great devil empire where the lowest humans gather.

Harassment of the recent Great Devil Empire
7月26日 I was sprained in front of a convenience store.
(I thought of a person who left the University of Tokyo and joined the Great Devil Empire, and got up to the executive while withstanding autisticism of the first son, suicide attempt of the eldest daughter, depression and attempted suicide two times of his wife)。
7月26日深夜 A catenary accident occurs at JR Seta station

After following instagram with Athletic Bolt, this occured immediately.
It was the last run of the Athletic Bolt  ....
Mr. Bolt, poorly, I think. sorry.

(I think that after practicing hard while sweating, running in the game will not degrade to a show. Sports compete for human limits)
(The Great devil enpire always destroys the lives and the living path of unrelated people insensitively.)

Abstention of Bolt athletes on World Athletic Relay

Yankees Tanaka right shoulder inflammation into the list of disabled people

About the complaint to be said in the streets, after Akita heavy rain,  naughtily, "Should we quit harassing him? Wait a minute, wait "or just recently, in a lively voice, crying out" We caught a big eyes ", I thought that many people are bothered because of you. When I looked at the bulletin board, I saw such as "It's painful not to be appreciated", and saw only the words "love" and "love" in twitter,

Advertisement complaining me. 
大悪魔帝国様。We will tell you the master-slave relationship

An outside girl who lost her mind
The feeling she had for the first time is appreciation


たーちゃん@問題拡散用 ‎@Taaaaaaachan999
全日空37便緊急着陸 あの123便墜落と日付・時刻・経路・発生箇所が同じでオカルト界隈ザワつく - … まさかの同日・・・。なんか感じますね。酸素マスクが目の前に降りてくるとか、怖すぎ。
21:28 - 2017年8月12日

Momo.K ‎@Momo8631
18:53 - 2017年8月12日

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