Saturday, October 7, 2017

focus of problems


Fukushima nuclear power plant accident
  →Children thyroid cancer hidden 190 people (Cancer patients from during follow-up observation are not counted)
  →Support eating radiation activity (food in Fukushima also in Olympic athletes village)
  →Marine pollution ・ Death of marine organisms
  →Pollution of the West Coast of the United States due to westerly wind
     →2017 Radioactivity of 530 sievelt. (six times the strength of elephant's foot of Chernobyl).

・God counter
  →World Heritage destruction
     →2015 Nepal Kathmandu
     →2016 Japan's Three Daimyo Castle Kumamoto Castle
     →2016 Italy Benedictine Basilica etc.
     →2017 China Jiuzhaigou Spark Lake
     →Great Barrier Reef

Trafficking country (Filipino, camouflaged marriage) (Many disappearances of foreign workers)
In 2004, from the US State Department, criticized as a trafficking tolerant country.
Now B rank from the US State Department.

Collective bullying (Japanese bullying is one vs. all groups)
Hidden Truth: It's not 30 thousand people! There are 180 thousand true suicide people per a year in Japland (Government do not admit suicide without his will.) Even with the published figures of lies, suicide rate of the world's worst 6th place. Suicide rate of young people aged 15 to 24, world's worst 1th.
  →2016 entertainer Miss. Becky Bully (Affair ; She was just deceived.) 
  →2016 Former Governor Mr. Masuzoe Bully (Embezzlement ; His is legal.)
     →from 2012 Lunch box Mrs. Tsuji, 2016 Gasoline fee Mrs. Yamao, 2017 Dual nationality Mrs. Renho and etc.
     →2016 Kintetsu stationman suicide attempted incident in front of the passenger group(passenger group claimed)
     →2011 Otsu city junior high school student suicide (practice of suicide, play seeking suicide dead body)
             →2016 Aomori junior high school student suicide (practice of suicide)
             →2015 Tochigi consecutive 2 mothers suicide (It is said to be a crime by the same bullying group.)
     →2013 Mr. Katsuwo 5 murders incident (villager collective bullying) 
     →2016 Mr. Uematsu 19 persons with disabilities Murder case (Many Jap people send approval and tributes)
             →2015 Denstu. Miss. Matsuri suicide. First year in company
                 (I am afraid that the next day will come, I can not sleep. I want to leave Japan).
             →2016 Mitsubishi Electric Corporation. A new employee suicide. First year in company. (bullying?)
             →2017 Olympic Construction. A new employee suicide. First year in company.
             →More than 20 rookie teachers suicide (of death cause unknown 46 rookie teachers) in the past 10 years.
             →2015 The number of rookie teachers who retired in the first year was 92 persons and was nine times than ten years ago.

・Historical revisionism during wartime (school textbooks by IKUHOSYA company)
     →Pearl Harbor first strike
     →Atomic bomb problem
     →Asian People's Liberation War

Outgoing behavior 
  →They have recently made 46 adult videos for dogs and women's sex sluts
  →Pet murder Kingdom 200 thousand cats and 100 thousand dogs annually
  →Oguchi hospital  hospital staff injected surfactant into the drip and murdered 
  →Forced vaccination of cervical cancer vaccine
     →Even if police men raped, they are not prosecuted. Country where police men commit murders or rapes.
  →Country where active school teachers appear in adult videos
      →Country in which the active prime minister is embezzling. 10 billion yen or more

Outburst act during wartime
  →Nankin massacre (genocide massacred POWs and civilians)
  →Kanto Great Earthquake Korean massacre
  →731unit Human body experiment  more than 3000 people
             →Dissection while alive. Can you live in one lung? Is it possible to live even if partial resection of the liver? etc     
     →How long can you live with water alone? How long can I survive without sleeping?
     →Human gas chamber experiment, human body refrigeration experiment, human body bullet experiment, human bomb experiment
             →Experiments on which organ to commit from bacteria, biopsy

Mrs. Tsuji is told complaints just by placing pictures of child's lunch boxes on her blog.
In Japland it is popular for local residents to claim fireman's boss that the firemen ate udon at a shop for lunch.
In Japland it is popular for local residents to claim postman's boss that the postman drank water a bit while delivering.

When Jap people see people falling down, Jap people seems to want to take pictures of them or kick them by ridiculing. From my life experience of 36 years, I understand by rule of my experience that more than half of Jap people are creatures that do so. When I fall into pinch, it becomes a touchstone to see the real nature of the surrounding creatures.

"Do you take care of your parents until the end?"
People who answered "Yes" are 50% British, 62% German, 75% Japanese.
When their parents actually went to bed, I investigated whether they took care of the end, 40% British, 50% German, 20% Japanese.

(2007 Mr. Okuno author).


Statistical Mathematics Institute Investigation
Thousands of Japanese people sampling.

The nature of the Japanese? 
→77% Diligent (+10%), 71% Kind (+19%), 77% Polite(+17%)

Japanese compared to Westerners?
→44% Are better (+7%).

・What is the richness of the Japanese heart?
→48% Are rich (+20%). 

the Great devil empire
・Murder case
Multiple embezzlement cases

Bullying against me
  →Noise bullying
     →Shoes hidden several times
  →My cell phone was stolen
  →Harassment was intense and I destroyed my room in the dormitory.
  →Dormitory repair charge inflated request. Repair cost total about 400 thousand yen.
  →Experiment sample is thrown away in the garbage can
     →They made me associate with girls I was not interested in.(Miss. Tanabe, Miss Matsumoto...and so on)

  →Being attacked by doctors, I was treated as a false sick person of lies

UFO technology bullying for me
     →(A delusion?) At first the Great Devil Empire made me break up with Miss. Tomoyo by human body manupilation, Who I want to marry with.
  →My mother has been a brain tumor for many years bedridden.
  →They made me deeply drunk and made me rampage at a candidates' social gathering party. My first impression was the worst.
  →They disturbed me and my relationship with Miss. Fujiwara.
  →They disturbed me and my relationship with Miss. Hitomi.  

     →I have been bullied and harassed for over 10 years on the grounds of false charges.
  →Compulsion of confession of my past woman relations.
  →I have muscle ruptures of the back, bowel obstruction (Treatment cost 50 thosand yen), insomnia hell (Treatment cost 10 thousand yen per a month), no sperm, no penis, thicken and so on. I was deprived of two of human being's three major desires
  →They broke my mother's elbow.
  →They broke the bones of my father's legs.
  →They broke the bones of my grandmother's fingers.
  →They made my brother and my uncle to quit the company.
  →They structured my friends', acquaintances' betrayal for me, illness, divorce, loss of money,and destroyed restaurants, a building and the Philippines.
  →Another ten years have passed since I confessed.  
     →Since I retired from the Great Devil Empire, I was forced to imprisonment and torture, but they do not give me even my living expenses.

Other people's damage
→They threw Mrs. Iwata's locker's clothes in the dove
Rumor that Mr. Tokunaga's 3 million yen was stolen
→Mr. Katayama's car navigation system was stolen at the dormitory's parking lot. 

I am very angry at the unreasonable treatment.
It was the Great Devil Empire which started the invasion war.
(My lies at the time of job hunting were reasonable as a student.)
I do not know the reason for receiving such terrible processes.

I do not know the cause of Miss. Hitomi fuss.
I wrote in the private e-mail sent to Miss. Hitomi that "You are surrounded by bad people". (celler phone; only Miss. Hitomi can watch)
『When I first joined the company, I wrote the Great Devil Empire as a low-level company in a private blog. (Only my friends can see that blog.)』

Rotten apples are contagious. We have to remove it. The worst, we have to remove the box.That is nature's obligation. Who does not make rules that humans rule themselves, to remove rotten apples.

dormitory bullying
・damaged dormitory pillar

・my room in the dormitory (Covered with dust on ceiling that was destroyed. The ceiling is full of broken holes.)
 ・Destroyed table

Crooked kitchen knife

Mansion bullying
・frozen futon

・twisting hinge

・unclosed door

・dirty bathtub

・faucet with no hot water
・clogged toilet
・broken TV (repair cost 20 thousaud yen)
・broken air conditioner
・disappeared wallet
・champagne cork came out by itself
・Water of the toilet and water injection of the bath, water talks. More than 10 times.
・The garbage receptacle of the kitchen drainage floats in the air and speaks. More than 5 times
Fire alarm of mansion rang. The harassment is about 5 times.
and etc.

Satire picture

Pollution of the West Coast of the United States due to westerly wind

Former US soldier filed a lawsuit against TEPCO (9 dead)                                                                  

2020 Tokyo Olympic
2015 Nepal Kathmandu

2016 Italy Benedictine Basilica etc.

2017 China Jiuzhaigou Spark Lake

Great Barrier Reef

Trafficking country (Filipino, camouflaged marriage)(Many disappearances of foreign workers)
B rank from the US State Department

Many disappearances of foreign workers

Suicide rate in the world

Suicide rate of young people aged 15 to 24, world's worst 1th.

Asian People's Liberation War (school textbooks by IKUHOSYA company)

Nankin massacre (genocide massacred POWs and civilians)(2012 From Monthly Liberty)

Korean Comfort women belonging to Japanese troops. (2012 From Monthly Liberty)

Satire picture by L. Jie

Satire picture

ISIS attacked the Philippines.

2013. United Nations 『Medieval Japland』

2015. Russian Deputy Prime Minister. The Japanese do nothing but make noise. Japanese people should stab swords on their stomachs, be quiet.』

Mother Theresa 『Japanese people are poor in heart.』

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