Friday, October 20, 2017

The future of bullying children and a bullied child

The future of bullying children and a bullied child.
Japanese bullying is one vs. all groups.
The perpetrators quickly forget what they did.
It brings me out in hives, just thinking about it.
The last 2 months ago, Jap people made my mother break her elbow, and she can not eat even meal with dominant hands now.
Thanks to Jap people, I regard Jap people as dirt.

The bullying people's real heart. The real nature of most Jap people.
I saw a large number of bulletin boards like this before, but now it is operated so that the search will not get caught.
It's pleasant and fun to bully with justice.
・A nail that stands will be hammered down.
Pay famous tax.

・It is common for Japanese to bully weak people and to kiss-ass strong people.
・There are also people who love to disturb people and are able to do nothing but disturb people. Understand.
and etc.
I think that people like these have deprived my 10 years from me by UFO technology. All is the reason why people thought later as the shield. In the Great Devil Empire, there were the only creatures like this type. They enjoyed men's becoming baldness, and women's cuttig her hair.
They had never worried about me and helped me and had enjoy nothing but bullying me, saying happily 『Imsomnia hell』.and making my friends betray me. Now they prepared for my favorite foods, so they forced me noisily to forgive them.




 Local housewife 『The child who committed suicide is the same as killed insects.』
 practice of suicide, play seeking suicide dead body (2012)
  play seeking suicide dead body
practice of suicide (2016)
There was her will, and there was description of being bullied in that, but the Board of Education did not acknowledge as suicide caused by being bullied.
consecutive 2 mothers committed suicide. (2015)
(It is said to be a crime by the same bullying group.)
               (The reason why mothers were bullied is wonderful.)

In 2016 At the Former Governor Mr. Masuzoe Bullying fuss (Embezzlement ; His is legal), more than 1 million cases on google search hit "Mr. Masuzoe, Be dead"                                    

In 2016. At entertainer Miss. Becky Bullying fuss (Affair ; She was just deceived.) , Miss. Becky's Twitter reply number exceeded 10 thousand.

In the past, 『Strike suicide and watch over the ending. 』 tag has gone on top of the trend in twitter many times. Tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of tweets were overflowing.

Japanese bullying is one vs. all groups.
のり @the5y22san

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