Thursday, October 12, 2017

Very popular 『Strike suicide and watch over the ending. 』 tag

In Japland Empire 『Strike suicide and watch over the ending. 』 tag is very popular (from 2016 to 2017). In the past the tag has gone on top of the trend in twitter many times. Tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of tweets were overflowing.  I will introduce just a few of the tag.

Hidden Truth: It's not 30 thousand people! There are 180 thousand true suicide people per a year in Japland. (Government do not admit suicide without his will.) Even with the published figures of lies, suicide rate of the world's worst 6th place. Suicide rate of young people aged 15 to 24, world's worst 1th.
→2016 Kintetsu stationman suicide attempted incident in front of the passenger group. (passenger group claimed)
→2011 Otsu city junior high school student suicide (practice of suicide, play seeking suicide dead body)
→2016 Aomori junior high school student suicide (practice of suicide)
→2015 Tochigi consecutive 2 mothers suicide (It is said to be a crime by the same bullying group.)
→2013 Mr. Katsuwo 5 murders incident (villager collective bullying) 
→2015 Dentsu. Miss. Matsuri suicide. First year in company. (I am afraid that the next day will come, I can not sleep. I want to leave Japan).
→2016 Mitsubishi Electric. A new employee suicide. First year in company (bullying?)
→2017 Olympic Construction. A new employee suicide. First year in company.
→More than 20 rookie teachers suicide (of death cause unknown 46  rookie teachers) in the past 10 years.
→2015 The number of rookie teachers who retired in the first year was 92, was 9 times than 10 years ago.


2016 Mr. Uematsu 19 persons with disabilities Murder case (Many Jap people sympathized with him, sent approval and tributes). 『To kill is salvation. 』『Beautiful Japan !.』

(from 2015 to 2016). Miss. Becky was told that Mr. Kawatani was not married, was deceived, and was affair with him. After she took a leave of absense, she returned, and I will introduce a few of the words that Jap said to her. Her twitter has not murmured more than a year. It is said that the amount of damages paid by Miss. Becky side is 500 million or more yen.

2017. An amateur girl who just appeared in only three Adult Videos, the Italian restaurant's net review managed by her parents was burned up.

In 2016 At the Former Governor Mr. Masuzoe Bullying fuss (Embezzlement ; His is legal), more than 1 million cases on google search hit "Mr. Masuzoe, Be dead" 


Japanese bullying is one vs. all groups



時給 1時間200円

vice news
『The worst intership ever ; Japan's labor pains』

『アルバイト募集で来た人たち 早く引き返してください 特に女性はSEXさせられる』



ワタミ社長 現国会議員 渡邉美樹さん ワタミズム(ブラックの薦め)


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